
Dr. Sasha Galbraith has completed a study for British Airways on women pilots in management, a gender bias study for Hewlett-Packard and a case study of British Airports Authority’s successful efforts to promote women. She has also studied joint ventures between American, European, Japanese and Indonesian firms in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Galbraith’s thorough examination of businesses that are designed, created and managed by women has led to a unique understanding of how some women have adapted to avoid the notorious “glass ceiling” threat and why others struggle with current management structures.

Invite Galbraith to share her research with your organization’s leaders and allow her to talk about how senior executives can reconfigure their organizations to better retain female employees, enhance productivity and boost morale. Additional research can be conducted within a particular organization to help define problem areas and design an environment that is better suited for female professionals.

To learn more about Galbraith’s consulting work, contact her.